A year ago I bought a Fairphone 2, after years of being a (happy) iPhone user.

The then choices were motivated by curiosity, by cultural, ethical reasons, the relationship with technology and general discomfort against a field that seemed more willing to crowd an already saturated market with new products, more than trying to invent something really useful and new.
A year later, I am satisfied with my choice and from different points of view.
The Fairphone is certainly not a phone for everyone requires patience and attention to technology that, understandably, the public does not necessarily.
First, the ethical message it conveys may seem irrelevant to a significant portion of potential users.
Moreover, because to pocket the smartphone of a small Dutch company more competitive costs and gives less guarantees in terms of specifications and performance?
Because you can open and repair, it is produced according to the highest ethical standards and open source.
The Fairphone must be purchased if you believe these most important elements of a few more megapixels a camera or an additional dividing screens for notifications on the side of the phone.
Personally, one year later, I remain convinced that I made the right choice.
(Photo: Maurizio Pesce / Wired) As the Fairphone 2 is a total mobile performance and ultimately the medium / high-end accounts, the user experience is certainly different from that offered last or the last version of iPhone any other top smartphone range.
Simply, it is not the same thing.
In addition, the smartphone gave trouble - that at times they do have seriously affected the use - but the company has resolved them with relative speed and always with transparency.
After a few months, for example, broke the microphone and I was forced to use headphones so you hear my voice during phone calls: several other users on online forums pointed to the thing, but in my case, the solution was to replace the 'entire lower phone module.
The thing took two weeks plentiful, but once answered by the technical service, the new piece arrived via express delivery in 24 hours and I was able to replace yourself in 5 minutes using a simple screwdriver.
Overall, the proximity sensor is too sensitive and space on the screen where it is leased needs to be kept clean, or you run the risk that your phone does not respond as it should to stimuli and movements.
The thing also has some more technical reason - to tell the truth not yet entirely resolved - and, for some time, the phone screen was unusable during phone calls.
For a while ', however, the screen did not go out quickly from standby or, too often, required a reboot to set the phone to work resumption.
This problem has been felt for quite some time and has on several occasions made seriously jeopardize my nerves: not so much for waiting more minutes to make a phone call, as to the general sense of unreliability.
There were also other minor problems in software - after the operating system updates, for example - all resolved in a few minutes thanks to the online community and to his advice.
The judgment, of course, is based on my individual experience and on a single phone.
(Photo: Maurizio Pesce / Wired) From a month, Fairphone 2 has been updated to Android 6.0 Marshmallow and this upgrade has significantly improved the user experience and fixed the problems I mentioned earlier.
The phone is now more responsive, to block rarely and also the responsiveness of the screen problem you are no longer revealed.
Even the problems attributable to the proximity sensor - such as those that emerged during phone calls, for example - seem to now have been definitively put aside.
Now the Fairphone is much more fluid, fast, safe and also the battery life (though already excellent), seems to have been further improved.
The camera (8 megapixels only) remains one of the major limitations of the phone, but the hope is that in future they may have a higher quality.
And replace it independently.
The Fairphone, in short, is a work in progress constantly improving.
Purchase it - as well wait a few months for it - also means accepting this spirit and to pocket a funny phone, handsome in his own way, but certainly unique.
After a year, in fact, the smartphone is something quite geeky but, again, the technical characteristics are only a part of the experience.
Fairphone's motto is "buy a phone, start a movement" and the end is always the market aware of the environmental and ethical implications of technology.
From this point of view, the Fairphone activities are in progress and are continuing both in order to improve the working conditions of the employees of its certified suppliers, both from an environmental point of view and supply of raw materials with which the phone is built .
Happy to have helped.

From Wired