(Photo: David McNew / Getty Images) The example most impressive dellipotesi of a world without frontiers, as in John Lennon's song, had offered a magical book published in 2017, in full migration crisis in Europe.

In Exit West, Mohsin Hamid, speaking of love and nomadism through an invention fanciful: the magic doors, opening in the most disparate points (from cabinets to bathroom of a bar) unsuspecting teletrasportavano inhabitants of the Third World in the first, unleashing wars and cultural mixtures unexpected.
Whatever your position on a world no border ie completely without borders, meaning long before physical political institutions there doubt that the current policies on migration are unsuitable to achieve it.
Today over 250 million people living in different places than where they were born, an increase of nearly 50 percent from 2000 to 2018.
But the nations continue to be surrounded by barbed wire: sometimes literally, as in Hungary and Turkey, other metaphorical Sometimes, as in the Strait of Sicily, where every year hundreds of innocent perish in the attempt to cross the sea, rejected by a continent He can not handle the phenomenon with a common vision.
In the populist tide against ethnic change and the policy of open ports, several intellectuals are questioning the contrary on how to accommodate a larger number of migrants rather than less, without necessarily affecting the democracy of their own home.
In an article published a few days by the Foreign Policy magazine, leconomista libertariano Bryan Caplan has proposed a radical thesis: breaking down barriers altogether rather than simply make the simplest granting visas would favor a free instant expansion of the world's wealth, for a nellordine worth thousands of billion euros.
The idea of Caplan Fund, shared by many economists of the famous Chicago school that workers migrating from a poor country to a rich, become more productive.
That it is, are part of a labor market with more capital available, the more efficient private companies and a reliable legal system that protects their savings and their rights.
If it is employed in services, migrants can find customers willing to pay more.
And with the same hours worked in homeland immensely to earn more, putting into circulation on its own arms for more money The entire community.
According to estimates provided by the Economist in a similar story last the year, more than two-thirds of the total wealth of an individual depends on where he was born and lived.
undeniable that open borders are unpopular, Caplan admits.
Yet they deserve to be popular.
Because, like any social change, limmigrazione poses challenges that can be addressed: the crime?
If true that l88 percent of homicides attributable to terrorism in the United States since statistics exist are attributable to citizens born abroad, also true that in relation it is less dell1 per thousand of all deaths that occur annually in the country, and less dell1 percent of all murders.
in short, it is easier to be killed by a car accident that from an immigrant past the side of the crime, and is easier to be affected by lightning than by a terrorist grown elsewhere.
And the influence of immigrants on domestic political affairs?
The problem, if anything, the opposite: those born abroad and especially those who immigrated with low qualifications are likely to vote much less than the others (only 12% among the low-skilled in the last presidential elections) and, therefore, its still low weight.
Wrong, say the liberals, those who imagine that a restaurant opened by Haitian immigrants in America is a restaurant potentially subtracted alleconomia Haiti: why, given the conditions of work and investment in poor countries, most likely that the restaurant would not be open at all.
Unargomentazione which can not but arouse controversy and accusations of paternalism on the part of especially among the more heterodox economists, and even in the liberal world there are many trying to re-evaluate the training and the intellectual capital retention in the countries in difficulty, and reevaluating the importance of national borders to mitigate the most brutal effects of globalization (ending, too, to justify the most ruthless of immigration policy and duties from nationalists like Trump).
The other argument for no border, needless to say, essentially moral: there no merit in being born in Italy rather than in Libya, and the rich countries have a duty to include others in their privilege.
The open border of the opponents are not convinced by any of these topics, and they vote overwhelmingly for parties that promise to give its citizens more sullimmigrazione control (both from a cultural point of quantity).
Although their society would be enriched by migrants, they explain, the most vulnerable among their countrymen would ultimately suffer, forced to a play downward on wages from newcomers and compete with them to grab at popular prices, subsidies and benefits other.
(Photo: David McNew / Getty Images) The truth is that most people in the West do not radically contrary to freedom of movement, but is located in a middle ground: in a recent survey, 67 percent of Britons expressed the will that his countrymen and Europeans can live and work in each other's countries.
In Italy, a survey Demos published in La Repubblica is learned that 67 percent of Italians are favorable to jus culturae, ie a reform of citizenship that includes the award criteria based on cultural parameters as listruzione children and not just of birth .
Among the favorable 80 percent among voters of the majority Pd / M5s / Italy Viva.
Also notable is the great favor among voters FI, while lelettorato League split in half.
The most inconvincibile segment, the one that seems really impossible to persuade allipotesi open borders, according to data of the 45-54enni residing in the Northeast, which thirty years ago have graduated or have finished dellobbligo schools thinking that the Italian decline would only passenger and today they vote League or dItalia Brothers.
Obviously there are different ways to implement the ius culturae description, but the moral, perhaps, that even without being in favor of the no border there is room to work on the theme of the opening, or at least what we mean by citizenship.

From Wired