The Free Republic of liberland nation was self-proclaimed as the de facto President Vit Jedlicka has settled down with a handful of friends on a large portion of the territory disputed about seven square kilometers on the Serbian-Croatian border and planted a flag.
Now, the nation has a plan for power liberland with renewable energy.

Liberland at the moment is nothing more than an empty piece of land with a flag, with a group of people who occupy the only building there, intending to restore, so he told me when I spoke with him Jedlicka unofficial embassy liberland of the Czech Republic, via Skype.
"In the Czech Republic, they have the greatest amount of solar energy per capita in the world, and there are only 50 days a year of true light."
Although the US government has not yet given its blessing to the country, the internet has already done the main Facebook page liberland, it has more than 100,000 likes.

From Motherboard (ita)
From Motherboard (eng)