This interactive map brings together all the attacks and assaults ascribed to fascist galaxy occurred in Italy in 2014 and was carried out by the collective anti-fascist Bologna Infoantifa Syl.

Anyone can send an email to the collective, which is responsible for verifying the authenticity and then loading it on the map on its website.
Since the nineties the collective Infoantifa Syl takes care of collecting and cataloging the material on the anti-fascist archives on the network and not, and, more generally, to exploit the journalistic memory and multimedia in order to create and maintain an observatory the neo-fascist action to inform on policies and financial hedges laps behind them.
I spoke on the phone with members of the collective, who prefer to remain anonymous.
"We started this work 12 years ago thanks to our contacts with militant anti-fascist groups, community centers, ANPI and, in general, with reports shared by those involved in protection on the territory," he explains.
"The first version of the map dates back to 2013 and was loaded on a proprietary portal."
After this step on Google Maps, the collective plans to load the map even on the open source project OpenStreetMap.
The symbols on the map depicting events attributed to Forza Nuova, Casa Pound, skinheads, white supremacists, and relate to various aggressions type.
The group decided not to include only physical aggression but also the reports of the killings and attacks in their own buildings to provide a more detailed view of the phenomenon - At the time the map has 106 reports, and the last three date back to the early days 2018.
For every reported incident is a direct link to the collective's website which explains the facts and refer to reliable sources to verify its authenticity.
"To become aware of recent events the Google Alerts are sufficient," they explained, "but the great value of involving other people regard its previous 2014 events that are not tracked by the alert," he explains.
"In that case, with reports of other people we become aware of facts of which we were not aware to further extend the coverage of the map - always referring of course to check sources."
So if you have any chance to signal you just need to write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Meanwhile, you can get an idea of the phenomenon, looking at the map.

From Vice