Hard not to be fascinated by those seeking to achieve, in some way, eternity.

Horace rightly believed that his works would be echoed forever, coined the famous "Exegi monumentum aere perennius".
There are those who, more prosaically, you hibernate in cryogenic cells, those stocking seeds from around the world in a bunker Svalbard, who is preparing for the end of time and who invented the version 2.0 of the locks of the Milvian Bridge.
For the promises of love who want to resist rust of time, and maintenance of capital.
Riccardo Casatta bitcoin is a young technology expert researcher, a prominent figure in BlockChainLab, the first Italian project of the center of excellence for blockchain technologies, internationally recognized.
His work?
Provide a complete mapping constantly updated of all the most promising technologies and the most innovative startups in this field; picking his team in the most competent experts in this field - in some respects still a virgin - and difficult to monitor.
The story we want to tell you this: our Richard had come across, about a year ago, in a tweet of a girl who claimed to have left an eternal message of love in blockchain (the register of bitcoin transactions).
Since then Richard has designed a way to facilitate the ability to use the blockchain as a place to leave messages, given its unique characteristics: ie being eternal and indelible.
"The tweet that girl had left me a curiosity in the head" tells "However, to be honest, that message was not actually saved on blockchain but blockchain.info on site.
So I thought, why not allow everyone to write right on blockchain?
And so he was born Eternity Wall ".
So a bitcoin is forever?
Let's say the register of bitcoin transactions, blockchain precisely, is the closest thing to eternity digital be known this day: it is impossible to erase a value entered in blockchain if not destroying each node of the network, which today are more than five thousand.
In short, everything that is written there can not be overstated, and the historian of this data will be in that "place" forever.
A message for each transaction: it is as if the reason of a transfer?
You can create arbitrary data, such as a text, and insert them into a written settlement in blockchain.
This possibility was not written solely to be used as reason for the transaction, but also for general use.
We could say that is the equivalent of a notary signature!
For this purpose, the protocol provides 80 bytes, which correspond roughly to as many characters.
In practice, a means tweet.
How did you start?
I launched Eternity Wall in July of this year, providing bitcoin necessary to writing for free, in order to make the service available to everyone.
We began with a bang: 300 messages in one day.
Even today on eternitywall.it anyone can write their own thoughts without owning bitcoin, but we imposed a limit of one free message every hour; alternatively you can always pay in bitcoins and, soon, even in the euro.
Each message can then be shared on the main social media, from Twitter to Facebook.
What is the future of Eternity Wall?
The main feature we are implementing is the possibility to enter the sender.
Today, in fact, the messages are always anonymous.
I wish to become an easy means to bring ordinary people to bitcoin, it was a tool to intrigue people about this technology.
I wish that we can overcome the initial impact of distrust towards criptovalute.
My dream, however, is also showing possible alternative uses financial ones.
Explain better.
Take for example a financial advisor: throughout the year has recommended the products to their customers, some have gone worse, others better.
There is evidence of all his predictions?
You could say that there are records, documents, articles, statements in newspapers, magazines and blogs.
The truth is that everything can be falsified and artifact: You can delete documents, remove a video from youtube, delete or modify the article to a blog or a magazine.
On Wall Eternity all this will never be possible: what you write, like it or not, will remain forever.
A sort of wall of sincerity?
In a certain way, yes.
You can search for specific topics and / or the authors of the messages.
Consider, for example, to a real "fact checking" on election promises of this or that politician ...
You already know that not everyone will write messages of love and brotherhood.
As it will be handled defamation?
This is perhaps the most burning question.
A possible defamed person can sue the website, and I of course, as responsible, I would be required to remove the text that is deemed defamatory.
But neither I, nor anyone else, can never remove the message from blockchain and the many sites that display content.
Therefore, the actual removal is virtually impossible.
In addition, writing messages can be done through third party services and not only through the website, making impossible any form of a priori control of the content.
My hope is that the conscious use of this tool ports to use the service more to write love messages for threats and verbal abuse.
So dishonest bankers'll write a message on the Eternity Wall?
Good idea!
Seriously, I think the banking scandals are helpful to the cause of bitcoin.
They show that in economics nothing is obvious: who said that a bank more confidence merits of an algorithm?

From Ninjamarketing