Today is the Overshoot Day, the day when we have consumed more than the Earth is able to produce in one year and, reversing the lens, the day when we have more carbon dioxide product of how much the ecosystem be able to absorb.

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We consume more wood than they produce forests, eat more animals than their reproductive cycle is able to make to be born, plants consume a greater rate than the time required for cultivation.
Now we are asking our planet what it can not give us, last year we sold out every credit on August 19, 1995 to October.
The last budget balance was recorded in 1970, when the world had about 3.7 billion people.
This is the picture drawn by the Global Footprint Network, whose president, Mathis Wackernagel, nourishes hopes for the Paris summit (7 and 8 December 2015) dedicated to sustainability, "an agreement to abandon fossil fuels will help to curb and reduce the growth of ' ecological footprint ".
A deal would bring measurable benefits already in 2030, when the overshooting may occur in mid-September and, on the contrary, an insensitivity on the part of governments would mean an additional effort for the entire planet to which we pray today 1.6 times what it can give.
The Earth is sacked unevenly and Italy is among the countries most in advantage; we Overshooting the Day was in early April, forcing us to mortgaging the future resources for three quarters of the year, in a situation in which the credit can not be infinite.
The task of finding solutions and to show commitment can not be entrusted only to politics and the governments, which is not always responsive and receptive in terms of ecology and sustainability.
In 2050 the world population will be less than 10 billion people and you can not continue or to draw on stocks or, even less, enter even more toxic substances.

From Wired