The extroverted people are less willing to make "green" choices, while those open are the most conscientious.

Possible that the focus on sustainability and all 'environment is also linked to the character, and is not just a matter of good manners?
This is shown by a search of the Business School of the University of Portsmouth, England.
The team of researchers interviewed a sample of 204 men and women over age 50, a demographic group that constitutes a third of the British population and is expected to increase steadily in the near future: therefore crucial to set effective environmental policy.
The researchers asked them how environmentally conscious adopt daily behavior, such as turning off lights when not needed, do not leave the taps open longer than necessary, bring their own bags when they go shopping.
They then attributed to each of the participants one of these five traits: open, conscientious, outgoing, helpful, neurotic.
By linking the results have emerged the relationships between personality and sustainable choices.
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"It is not surprising that people who have defined open - that is curious, imaginative and unconventional - are found to be more likely to adopt careful," says one of the researchers, Sianne Gordon-Wilson, "but we were astonished rather than extroverts him are to a lesser extent.
We expected that, among the five personality-type, people open and extroverted ones were the most green. "
Extroverts have not proved indifferent to the issue, but they are just brought to deepen their efforts or make changes to their habits because their attention is distracted by other priorities.
It does not take a college education to note that the study was short of breath: a very small sample, the arbitrariness in the character definition, the reduced selection of ecological actions considered.
But researchers are aware of this, and in fact explicitly present their study as a preliminary: net short, to identify and bring out a phenomenon that will be further investigated.

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