The data released by the WHO, in what is considered the most detailed study ever conducted so far on the subject, leave without parole.

Newspapers around the world have taken up the news, focusing on their local health. We do not. We give general information while dramatically spread by the World health: 92% of people on the globe, more than 9 out of 10 people breathe too polluted air, air that damages their health breath by breath. The deaths that follow are millions, killed by sulfates, nitrates and coal that penetrate into tiny particles in our bodies, up to kill him. The worst damage suffer them, you know, old people, children and pregnant women.

Our press, as mentioned, reports overall news agency ANSA the most widely read, but does not get into specifics of what for us would be the real news sites, public interest. That is, that we are the ones to have the worst air in the whole of Western Europe, no corner of our country can boast of "green" areas, that is clean, as it can boast of France, Spain and especially Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries, which do not Random carry on for many years courageous policies. Our whole country is enveloped by a killer fog, while the Po Valley reaches record level - red - this elsewhere, for example in China and India.

Including Eastern Europe, the red is found only in southern Romania and northern Serbia. Scotland and Ireland are doing very well, as well as parts of southern France and Spain, while, as mentioned, the green color does not touch any part of Italy. The logical consequence of the lack of interest of the press, of failed policies in this regard, and our culture miserable about.

Still, as said Maria Neira, the WHO, "Air pollution is now the worst environmental health risk, responsible for the death of a person of 9". If this is the general figure, who knows what might come out by isolating our condition, that - in fact - the most polluted country in Western Europe. "Air pollution continues to grow - continued Neira - and compromises the economies and our quality of life. It is a public health emergency. "
Photo WHO

As also stressed to CNN, the worst areas of the world are: the Western Pacific, the Mediterranean area, the sub-Saharan countries and Southeast Asia.

Yet our local press does not put emphasis on our state, avoiding even to mention Italy, but speaking generally of a large worldwide problem. Therefore it does not move public opinion and does not move the policy. Because? Because the argument does not "pull" and does not pull because it is unknown. But if this study brings new data, the news itself is not new, especially in its consequences. The dead from PM10 and PM2.5, in Europe, are concentrated in our country. For many years now so, and were, in 2012, 85 thousand Italians who have lost their lives because of this.

From Wired