The reasons that lead to begin a psychotherapy path are varied, and contrary to what we tend to believe, are not unique to problems to be solved.

In fact, when it comes to taking care of your health important to remember that we can approach this choice generally in two ways: with the intention to cure a bad, or aiming to improve our health and well-being.
Therefore every psychotherapeutic process adapted exclusively to the specific needs and possibilities of every person: c beginners with individual therapy, some group, some family, some of torque.
Even professionals are different for specialization approach and professional relationship (public, for example in clinics or schools, or private, paid), and a key finding one with which we agree.
Despite all these possibilities and the data confirming the increase of mental illness, there are still many to see negatively terapiaspesso for shame, distrust and the same old prejudices.
For example, how many times happen to hear phrases like You should be seen by a good one That out, I heard that also goes by the winking I do not go to a psychologist, I'm not crazy?
Too many.
So no, not required to be always very bad, having to overcome great trauma or problems which seriously undermine our serenity to try a treatment path, as all of these are right reasons.
Let's see other together.
To learn how to recognize, manage and express emotions, thoughts and behaviors
I think we all know the feeling of not being able to explain in words how we feel.
The intelligence emotional the ability to recognize, understand and live consciously emotions, their own and others. If trained, it allows us to give a name to us that we try and speak of the inner world with more clarity, improving the relationship with ourselves and others.
Here, imagine the therapy as a training ground for the intelligence emotional.
To this can be added that generate situations evident in us discomfort or are problematic in everyday life.
Strong emotional changes or apathy, intrusive thoughts, disordered sleep patterns, anxiety, nervousness or important changes in appetite are all signs that we must not ignore: they tell us that something is wrong and okay to ask for help.
To increase the self-awareness
Who I am?
Where am I going?
Where am I going?
Becoming aware of s and their own way of life can play an existential, but extremely heartening to know that there is a professional who can help us do that.
In therapy is room for even the most difficult questions, he confirmed Dr. Marina Oddo, who have set some questions.
What am I doing to have the life you want?
What prevents me from her?
How can I improve it even though I have all that I want, or are not as I wish?
The reports to which the gift of time and energy are good for me or hinder me?
These questions are scary when you highlight unpleasant aspects that concern us, but they are a starting point for living a full and meaningful life, beyond the suffering and difficulties that are inevitable.
To "force you" to set aside time for yourself
In the historical period in which we live is increasingly difficult to carve out the time to s, and the common tendency to procrastinate laffrontare intimate and personal issues that affect us and torment us.
Having an appointment with someone outside a great way to stop avoid us.
In fact, learn to feel, listen and give space in the newspaper is the easiest way for us to love each other but also the most difficult to remember Oddo.
When we get quite a spazioquello of terapiaper think of ourselves, we can see everything that we do not notice in the hustle and noise of our days and re-orient ourselves in everyday life in a manner consistent with our needs and desires and the context in which we live.
To be listened to (really) by someone external that does not judge you
How often we make the mistake of exchanging friends, partners or hairdressers and bartenders for our therapists?
The comparison with those around us fundamental, but as above, important to remember that this is a fundamental aspect of therapy.
And not only that: Have a different point of view helps us to ask new questions, adds Oddo.
Having a divergent thinking but not judgmental stimulating for our growth.
When we care, we realize that the way we think about ourselves, others and the world is not the only one possible, and indeed we are aware of some critical aspects that since too deep we can not grasp.
With a c professional also the need to cancel all the dynamics of the common social relations: we will not please our partner, we will not return the favor and listen to his business, nor serve even worrying too deeply about how you say things , because their task is not to judge the person you are, but help you feel good.
To acquire adequate tools to achieve your well-being independently
Along with the therapist works to reduce and / or discourage behaviors that are part of a solution or our discomfort, by building more functional mode of action in everyday life.
Making self-therapy (ab) using food, alcohol, drugs, sex etc. as medicine for the soul or as anesthetic for thoughts and emotions it can in fact appear decisive, but more often than not only aggravates and keeps our discomfort, but just the way it is manifested.
For example, in therapy you can acquire labilit to solve conflicts of different types and in different fields (at work, in relationships, in the family) or to effectively communicate and aware.
It can also improve their cognitive flexibility, or labilit to change our actions or abandon counterproductive behaviors (especially in relationships), or otherwise persist in someAction awkward / tiring because in line with our values.
Psychotherapy eventually ends, but leaves us an important asset to face even the most unexpected and / or potentially painful events in the best way.
To address internal issues that time can not heal
Many times it is hoped that things will settle by themselves, because we try in every way to get better, but the truth is that most do spend more time we get used to feel bad, Oddo tells the doctor.
When it comes to hardships, sufferings and difficulties that must be treated, not better to postpone.
Allansia you get used to the sadness you get used to.
You get used to stay at home, refusing invitations for fear of a panic attack.
You get used to being trampled or chronic fear of being betrayed, he adds.
We get used to certain things gradually so that at the end we do not remember most comera before and we believe that there are no alternatives.
But not so.
We can choose, we choose to invest our efforts instead on what we can change, instead of us that we can get.
In short: too often we think that live, grow, move forward, fall, get up, change and everything else is something simple and obvious.
How often we underestimate the energy and we consume for any of our actions or thought, from the most trivial to the most demanding, and not recognize that more than legitimate (even a right) decide to lend him a hand to manage it all from the control room.
As he said in conclusion Oddo, We go to therapy does not (necessarily) because we are weak, but because we are human.

From Vice