Summary: serves as more than to passively learn that does not yet seem to have found large real feedback anesthetic and regression

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Managing to achieve a state of mind so detached from reality and the senses do not feel pain.
Although it may seem far-fetched, not even if there are to be placed caveats, as we will see: a 82 year old patient has just been made to the aortic valve to Niguarda hospital in Milan without undergoing any deep sedation treatment.
The medical staff has induced a state of hypnosis, they know from the hospital, he has completely replaced any kind of sedation: The intervention indeed managed to perfection, and the patient reported that he had felt any discomfort.
Not even the first time it happens in Italy: nellagosto last one of the operating unit patient of Neurosurgery of the hospital in Legnano underwent a craniotomy surgery and evacuation of hematoma, subdural (essentially: unoperazione brain) once again helped by dellipnosi technique .
News that the opportunity for a more in-depth reflection on the theme: hypnosis, net of suggestions from vaudeville evoked by the term, is actually a technique with solid and reliable scientific basis and the great potential, which is establishing itself increasingly in medical practice, and not only in the surgical field.
Thanks allipnosi you can mitigate with good results, for example, pains related to labor and the illnesses linked to anxiety and depression.
We begin investigating the case mentioned at the beginning, with the advice of Sandra Nonini, a specialist in anesthesia and resuscitation 3 Niguarda which prompted the state of hypnosis in the patient operated: Until four years ago, he told us, I knew nothing of hypnosis .
Allepoca I was in France, and one patient asked me to be hypnotized before undergoing a small medical procedure.
Since then I have been interested in the issue and I followed two courses more another that I'm still following that allowed me to learn the techniques of induction allipnosi and use them several times in the clinical setting.
Until you get the most striking case: I was called into the operating room to quell a patient who had to undergo aortic valve replacement.
Usually this surgery is performed under local anesthesia and with the administration of deep sedation, which make the patient sleep.
In this case the condition of the woman dissuaded deep sedation, which could be hazardous to the lungs: that's why I offered to try hypnosis.
She would have readily accepted, answering uninduzione hypnotic, says Nonini: sat on the table for over an hour and a half, always monitored by me and the rest dellquipe, and he never complained no discomfort pain.
The vital parameters such as pressure, heart rate, saturation, have remained normal, start to finish delloperazione.
At the end of the procedure the lady emerged from the hypnotic state in good condition.
A complete success, in fact.
As he told New Scientist in a special sullargomento, of the non-hypnosis recent history.
He spoke already in documents dating back to 1500 years before Christ, although it was only in more recent times, the eighteenth century that the practice began to be taken more into account.
One of the most famous names to Franz Mesmer (hence the term mesmerization, so dear to Edgar Allan Poe), German physician believes that the induction of a trance by magnetic manipulation could help cure diseases and (sic) to change the influence of the planets on the human body.
Mesmer would later be convicted of fraud, but the concept survived the dellipnosi and gained more credibility gradually, especially when, in the next century, the Scottish surgeon James Braid began to systematically investigate the physiological processes underlying the trance state.
The term hypnosis, today, indicates a large set of techniques and approaches: In general, you can describe the state of hypnotic trance as a way to focus the attention of the subject on something specific and particular, so as to selectively make it more receptive and to make him lose the attention of the rest, explains Angelo Maravita, the department of Psychology at University of Milan Bicocca and expert of the Italian Society of neuropsychology (SINP), that actually can be used in medicine / surgery, for example in patients that you have to undergo minor procedures such as withdrawals or the like, which in the psychotherapy, as a real form of psychological therapy.
In truth, there is no real standard method to hypnotize a subject.
The approach most widely prescribed to start inviting him to think of a relaxing view, and then to immerse themselves in a calm and harmonious environment; lipnotizzatore, at this point, driving with the voice lipnotizzando, imparting orders and instructions.
Hypnosis psychotherapy, says even Maravita, seen from the outside certainly much less dramatic than the one you see on TV shows, but moltoefficace from the therapeutic point of view.
It is essentially dialogue sessions in which the specialist talks to the patient with a metaphorical language, imaginative, slightly to dissociate from reality and bring it into a state halfway between the trance and relaxation.
The medical hypnosis, however, more directive: in this case the operator gives instructions to induce a state of very fast dissociation, leading the party to a concentration and to an extreme relaxation.
L actually very effective hypnosis for the treatment of pain.
So much so that, already since 1992, was used in place dellanestesia total in several minor surgical procedures, such as biopsies, laparoscopy and plastic surgery: in these cases, the patient generally receives a weak local anesthetic and / or a small dose of sedative and medical causes him to focus on your breathing and imagine themselves in a safe space, possibly making him remember positive experiences of the past.
If the procedure is successful and that if there are any caveats that we talked about at the beginning: in fact, the subject needs to be well prepared and receptive, which is not found in all patients, the brain so concentrated to alienate completely from reality to the point of not feeling the most pain.
Without having to discount side effects dellanestesia general.
Guy Montgomery, an expert from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York, she studied such different women who underwent hypnosis before interventions mastectomy after discovering that The intervention suffered less pain, anxiety, nausea and fatigue.
He also sought to quantify the impact economich and technique, estimating a savings to the healthcare system of $ 135 million the year if 90% of women who undergo a breast biopsy were ipnosedate.
C dellaltro: a review published in 2011 recognized nellipnosi (although with some reservations) a promising technique for the treatment of labor pain; one 2015 study revealed that women undergoing hypnosis during labor reported lower levels of anxiety and fear than the others, even though they take more or less the same dose of painkillers.
Another promising field to mental health, and in particular the treatment of disorders dellansia.
An analysis conducted this year by unquipe expert at the University of Hatford, Connecticut, has quantified the dellipnosi effects in dellansia reduced by combining several studies on the topic, and finding that hypnotized patients reported, on average, L84% improvement in more than others.
And again, two studies, one conducted in the nineties and another in 2018, have shown that the integration dellipnosi to the already-established behavioral therapy doubled the chances of weight loss success.
Pi uncertain however the possibility of using the technique for learning or to get rid of cattiveabitudini: several studies have been conducted on the subject, the results of which, ancorch encouraging, are still too vague to draw some indications defined.

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