super summary: "The real problem in the grow omogenitoriali families, what differentiates them from other families, is more or less homophobic environment in which they live. That, yes, it does make a difference. Otherwise, they will be good parents, bad parents , as we can all be. [...] do not exist, except in the cultural codes, a single family model. it is clear that the jump is cultural, the type of society we want and we need to be. "

Despite being a long time that we discuss rainbow families and surrogacy, the recent rant that accompanied the birth of the son of Nichi Vendola and companion-conceived via surrogate-has resurfaced with all those stereotypes that made leitmotiv during the trial of Cirinn law in Parliament.

Among these stereotypes, one of the strongest is the one that wants the children grew up in rainbow families more vulnerable to psychological problems due to lack of parental figures of both sexes and of the hypothetical "sexual imprinting" omogenitoriale that a family could have on son .
These are all ideas that not too subtly revolve around the idea of homosexuality as "wrong", supported in some cases by "studies" of the field behind which-just a couple of clicks on Google to realize it-is almost always hide bodies with obvious field interests.
When you create a debate like this, one of the most rational solution is to rely on qualified institutional organizations, such as the Order of Psychologists.
To support scientifically the discussion on Article 5 of the Bill Cirinn, on 9 February, the Lazio section of the order presented a dossier containing more than 70 studies-performed during a time span ranging from 1972 to 2015- and recently President of the Association of Psychologists of Piedmont, Alessandro Lombardo, has decided to release an official statement to dispel any doubt:
"The real problem in omogenitoriali families grow, what differentiates them from other families, is more or less homophobic environment in which they live.
That, yes, it does make a difference.
For the rest, they will be good parents, bad parents, as we can all be.
[...] do not exist, except in the cultural codes, a single family model.
It is clear that the jump is cultural, the type of society we want and we need to be. "
To investigate the statements of Dr. Lombardo I contacted him, and we talked about the "traditional family" of gender stereotypes, and the difficulty of giving life to a constructive debate about the "cryokid".
VICE: Professor Lombardo, first of all I wanted to ask her what she thinks of the debate that is developing around the choice of Nichi Vendola.Alessandro Lombardo: The controversy of Nichi Vendola is a direct result of the situation that led to the write-off of stepchild adoption.
Certainly this situation touches a very strong cultural theme, which creates a bias on the issue.
This is the perfect mirror of Italy, in the sense that we are tied to very strong traditions like the concept of the traditional family.
The scientific literature, anthropological and sociological put a point on the concept of "traditional family" no longer exists.
All these controversies are unfortunately almost natural in our country, and often marked, let us say, by homophobia.
The issue of surrogacy, however, should be investigated seriously.
What prompted you to take an official position on the alleged psychological disorders that children of same-sex couples would face?
The recent submission of the dossier to the Senate for discussion of Cirinn?
Let no one in particular.
With the order of the Lazio we are in close cooperation, and we knew a long time the contents of the dossier which would be submitted to the Senate for some time we are working on LGBT issues, and since we are brought in alleged psychological damage when it comes to children grew up in families omogenitoriali us we want to rectify that the evidence of studies refute these hypotheses.
What kind of evidence suggesting the more than 70 works presented in the Senate?
The substance of the 70 studies, collected in over thirty years, shows very banal that there are no detectable psychopathology regarding children raised in families omogenitoriali: If a child grows up in a family with two moms or two dads no more likely to incurring psychopathology of any kind compared to children raised in other families, it is good to clarify even when it appears obvious.
As I shall point out in the press that I released, the real problem may be represented by the context that are outside of the family.
As these studies are being carried out?
The tools that are used are the systematic study protracted-years-grown subjects of these pairs, which are then monitored with interviews and tests to analyze any psychopathic.
Each interview or specific tests is different depending on the study, but the clinical approach is always the same.
Because of the opinion that supports the possible impact of any complaints or problems related to the growth of children in rainbow families it is based on studies like this.
Since going to the authors of the research is that they are always members of the community or Catholic institutional groups or Methodists, would like to understand how it should be structured a study on sexual and mental consequences dictated by a situation: how can they be distorted data, and how They were instead selected the research presented in the Senate.
In practice, what makes them more reliable?
A must for prospective research in a scientific community: it can never be self-referential.
Having more than 70 research with a number of universities and scientific institutions that have dealt with the issue, and following the canons of scientific research, is a guarantee of the validity of the studies presented.
Of course there are scams in the scientific-can world distort and exploit the data to their advantage-but also in the event that the single study highlights not acquire any value unless it is corroborated by similar studies from other realities, to ensure its validity.
From #Svegliatitalia event in Milan.
Photo by Vincenzo Ligresti.
One of the most persistent arguments of those who maintain that growing up with a gay couple is not healthy as the necessary presence of both genders for the child's development.
How parental sex is tied to education?
The educational part in our traditional culture has a strong polarization of roles.
But it is quite clear that we no longer live in a culture of that type, which also creates various problems for women, who have to deal with those pre-established models.
The stereotype is going to fight and simply dissolve even with the reality of things.
These families exist and can be seen in society, and these assumptions are not evidence in everyday life.
Just know these families, no more happy or less happy than others.
This must be said, because speaking only of research and scientific facts you can forget that you are talking about real people, flesh and blood.
The other major issue raised by critics the opportunity for gays to adopt children is the issue of sexual development: we want to clarify once and for all that there are no implications to the sexual preferences of the parents?
All gay people, gay and lesbian, born from a man and a woman: do we want to tell us more?
Homosexuals not made.
Turning finally to the debate on the uterus for rent and surrogacy-which in any case concerns across the board both heterosexual families omogenitoriali-family thinks that the situation is more complicated?
There may be problems related to the way the child-or at least what are called "cryokid" - is conscious of having been conceived and inability to go back to a part of its history?
Why is the other big issue is being discussed after the case Vendola.
I on the issue of surrogacy have doubts, I am in a suspended position.
But let's start from the data.
In Italy it is forbidden, but the situation in other countries is very varied and lets think, in Canada and the United States regulations are very detailed, there is an economic bargaining but a woman is protected.
In others, such as the Ukraine, there are fewer protections and the business side can prevail, with all that may entail.
Then there remains the question of identity of the donor, even the very diverse: I am unable to express myself about the possible problems that such a situation may result, and that's where my doubts are born-maybe there are any issues related to the peculiarities of the birth, and the fact that however the need to identify their origins is a very strong component of the human being.
I find it hard, however, to think that prohibit both the solution: I believe that there is to question in depth to find a conscious solution.
Bearing in mind that in fact I am not sure it is possible to legislate as to what is done in a foreign country.
These are issues that are twenty who are there, and are breaking out now, maybe this is the problem.
In light of how effectively we come to the epilogue of Cirinn law and stepchild adoption, what is the scenario that is expected or promises, as president of the order, about the perception of these issues?
I do not expect major changes: Italy is a conservative country drive, so the changes we experience them.
We are always one step behind.
I do not think there will be big soon upheavals, and remain so the daily reality of these children, real people, living in a situation not fully recognized.
We do our duty, which is not doing politics.
We provide elements and evidence to ensure that the policy is able to do his job.
So the scenario is what it has always been, look at the abortion law: in fact it is not applied, or with a huge problematic linked to cases of women who have abortions.
A law that has existed for a very long time.

From Vice