See your body from the outside and feel to float above it can alleviate the fear of death: that is when the experience is real, but even if it leads with viewers for virtual reality.

It has long been known that those who have experienced OBE (out of body experiences), for example during a surgical procedure under general anesthesia, following reports less afraid of dying.

Less dangerous. But it works the same, whether the near-death experience is simply to simulate? A group of researchers at the University of Barcelona has involved 32 volunteers in an experiment in virtual reality laboratory. The subjects had to wear a suit and Oculus viewers equipped with vibration sensors on the wrists and ankles.

Balls. For the first part of the experiment, the display has been available in person: the girls were able to move and navigate in a virtual living room. To make the experience even more immersive experience, the volunteers have been "bombarded" intangible balls. Whenever one of them touched, the vibrating sensor as if it were real contact.

Detachment. At some point, however, for some perspective it has changed from first to third person: the women found themselves in the shoes of a new body, which is raised with respect to their own, left sitting in the living room. The balls continued to hit the virtual figure that rose, giving the impression of virtual-body experience (in the video at the bottom of the page, you can see the images reproduced during the experiment).

Vaccinate. After the voluntary test that had flown over virtually their bodies have reported less fear of death, perhaps because he had lived a simulated detachment from your body without trauma or negative consequences. The research was published in the journal PLoS One.

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