Despite almost daily scientists and experts warn us about the devastating effects of climate change, the response of most governments to shrug his shoulders.

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Faced with this attitude, a group of women decided to start one reproductive strike undertaking not to have children until The actual environmental crisis will not come to us that really addressed: the global threat number one for our times.
Among them are many identify with the movement Birthstrikers, born in the UK by Blythe Pepino, former lead singer of the Vaults group and activist of the movement Extinction Rebellion.
After attending a lecture explaining The actual weather emergency, Pepino start to wonder what is reasonable to have a child in these circumstances.
From there, at the end of 2018, was born the idea to create a Facebook group BirthStrike, appuntoe make his decision a political gesture.
In BirthStrike manifesto reads: We express our decision not to have children before the gravity of the ecological crisis and allattuale inaction of governments in the face of this existential threat.
Pepino feels that been deprived of the freedom to procreate without worrying about the future of his children; a future which, he says, "is currently dark and violent guess, did the difficulty in procuring food and water, apartheid between rich and poor, while family members and friends die prematurely. At the same time, according to British lattivista BirthStrike driven by an optimistic approach: Instead of taking this decision quietly and hold it for us, we want to politicize it and slam it in his face, to raise awareness of disfunzionalit of a system that has made the idea of reproducing a decision so distressing.
Clara, twenty-three from the province of Cuneo one of the first Italian to have united to Birthstrike.
He tells of a conference of Luca Mercalli allUniversit of Turin in 2015 from which went out crying.
It was the first time that was explained clearly climate change, and the experience in her idea of not having children.
Birthstrike I discovered a few months ago reading an article in the Guardian, gave me strength to find that so many women and men have taken the same, painful, decision, he explains.
Clara feels she can not give birth to a child on a planet transformed into a hostile place for human life, but also sees the potential of the strike as a motor of change: Imagine if every woman who refused to procreate, how would push governments to act.
To the notes that lumanit continued to breed also constantly on the brink of a nuclear conflict, she responds like this: 99 percent of the world scientific community agrees that we expect a disaster, unless immediate action by governments is taken.
Do not give birth to a son until we will see the political will seems to me simple common sense.
Clara fact leaves open the door on the possibility of changing his mind.
I told myself that my commitment to BirthStrike for now ten years old, "he explains.
"If when he has 32 years emissions have been reduced drastically, if we have an economic system no longer madly in mining, though the scientists were saying that the much improved situation and do not risk more than die out, then consider having a baby.
Even Sara Nicomedi, Roman photographer but long resident in London, had already arrived at conclusions BirthStrike even before the birth of the movement.
Since 2017 working in a photographic project entitled I can not swim forever, when I reflect on the fact that I could break the family chain and not put to a new generation the world, he says.
Sara is defined on standby until they will see concrete policies from governments and a change of society and its priorities.
I would like a son to share what I have found beautiful on this earth and in humans, "he says.
"But if these things disappear or are at risk, just I do not know how to explain it.
Sara, who is 35, is said to have even aware of not much time to decide.
The scares the feeling that most people are not aware of the gravity dellattuale environmental crisis.
In Italy, when I mention to my photographic project, many believe that it has some problem of depression or anxiety, "he explains.
"I am hardly taken seriously.
But give me hope c lattivismo climate Youth for Future Fridays and Extinction Rebellion, two realities that until a year ago did not exist.
Barbara, thirty-four of Padua, working in the third settoredunque closely with environmental problems and umanie rights admits to suffering from eco-anxiety: I discovered the BirthStrike movement through an article in the Guardian and I found in that community a kind of virtual group therapy .
Thanks to them I thought for the first time on my decision not to have children as a political choice.
BirthStrike helped Barbara to take courage and to speak openly about his choice.
He thus discovered that some of her friends to share, although note that behind the choice not to have children for many other factors come into play, such as lack of economic security.
Barbara is often said that she, more sensitive to environmental issues, which should bring children into the world, saw that his children would be part of the solution.
Reasoning that not convinced, as if it were easier to control us that they will think or will our children in the future. But Barbara is still a taboo: The only people I have not seriously talked about BirthStrike are my parents.
They make it hard to accept the idea that their daughter did not give their grandchildren.

From Vice