For over 50 years we are looking for intelligent life signals in the depths of the Universe, focusing our most powerful radio telescopes to listen for Deep Space messages. But nothing.

Only on one occasion, in 1977, it was picked up a signal - now known as WOW! - that suggested a communication attempt. But there was no confirmation and there still.

Then life exists only on Earth?
At the bottom, it could also be so.

According to a hypothesis advanced by astrobiologists Australian National University, the life of any habitable planets would be very short and would die easily. That's why hypothetical "intelligent civilizations" would be very, very rare, and even more difficult to find: the cause is the fragility of life in its infancy, easily destroyed by climate change affecting most of the planets in the bud.

Explain Aditya Chopra, author of the research: "We know that the Universe is full of habitable planets. So one would think that there is a swarm of aliens. The life, at its beginning, is very delicate and can hardly survive the primordial weather events that take place on a planet recently born. Most of the planetary environments are initially unstable because a planet can actually be habitable, there must be, for example, atmospheric stability, a condition which is reached thanks to a greenhouse, with water and carbon dioxide that make the surface temperatures suitable to life itself. "
The planet Kepler: the planet number 1000

According to the researcher, the combination of factors that lead to evolution and, above all, the consolidation of life are so many and interconnected that their probability is very low.

Bacteria yes, dinosaurs not. About four and a half billion years ago, the rocky planets of the solar system such as Venus, Earth and Mars (Mercury was too hot from the start) could all be habitable. But in about a billion years after their birth, Mars has become very cold, Venus became a furnace, and if ever there was a sketch of life, has taken refuge underground well. So, if Mars and Venus knew early life forms, this has not had the opportunity to consolidate because of the rapid changes in environmental conditions.

Zero Martians. On Earth, however, life has managed to have a prominent role in climate stabilization, which is why it has evolved into man. That would explain, according to Chopra, why is it so hard to find intelligent alien life signs.
The Fermi paradox:
if the universe is full of life ... where is everybody?

The set of causes that lead to the extinction of possible alternatives life before it can evolve to higher levels is the bottleneck of Gaia, the consequence of which is disarming: we can find, and probably we will find, numerous forms of fossil life on other planets, but they will all be microbial. If the hypothesis is correct Chopra could even be unique in the Universe

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