No Evidence of Alien Vehicles Walking Around Our Planet: US intelligence officials have found no evidence that the at least 120 unidentified aerial phenomena witnessed by military pilots over the past twenty years have extraterrestrial origin or provenance, but are still unable to explain their trajectories, accelerations or flight dynamics.

this is the summary, as reported by the New York Times still classified, the documentation will be made public on June 25 of the expected report presented a few hours ago to the United States Congress by the intelligence services, the most extensive report ever dedicated to the so-called Unidentified Aerial Phenomena ( Uap, unidentified aerial phenomena), a more neutral way of what was formerly called Unidentified Flying Object.
What does it mean?
Than to see a close encounter of the third kind or an E.T. walking on our planet, once again believers and ufologists will do better to recover the two blockbusters by Steven Spielberg.
We would limit ourselves to this consideration, however, we would not do justice to the deeper and more political essence of what was delivered to Congress, material which, moreover, did not dampen the collective imagination.
Anticipated as disconcerting by the US director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, the report has indeed confirmed (including the prevailing media sensationalism), if we exclude the comings and goings of extraterrestrial visitors to our planet.
by Anna Lisa Bonfranceschi
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The reference to the prudence of scientific circles or the interpretation of those who, in the peak of media attention for inexplicable sightings, had recognized a precise communication strategy of the US government, a talk without saying which we will write shortly, was useless.
No, the report on UAP and UFO requested last December by the federal senator for Florida Marco Rubio for a detailed analysis of data and information on unidentified aerial phenomena "collected by the Office of Naval Intelligence, the FBI and the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force had added to a statement by former President Barack Obama on James Corden's Late Late Show, and together they had inflamed the fantasies of believers awaiting alien epiphany.
All as if Uap were synonymous with extraterrestrials and not a definition to indicate any object the military does not bother to identify, perhaps a drone or a civil aircraft that entered the training airspace of military pilots (which was exactly what was declared to CNN by Joe Gradisher, the US Navy spokesperson after the 2019 sightings).
by Anna Lisa Bonfranceschi
None of that.
Although with some ambiguities, the report requested by Rubio points to where the experts knew it would aim: to warn public opinion, both in the United States and beyond, about the surveillance activity by foreign powers, read China and Russia in the first place, whose investments in hypersonic are known.
In short, no landing of Martians or other extraterrestrial visitors, at least judging from the evidence gathered so far.
The number of which, to be fair, has increased in recent years.
Misrepresented Obama's words aside, significant precedents had in fact contributed to unleashing a media cancan not always correct: the theme, with related science fiction interpretations, in fact exploded in the United States following a series of admissions regarding inexplicable sightings by of the Department of Defense.
In 2019, the US Navy confirmed the authenticity of other videos and added further details to the findings made by a Pentagon UFO tracking program, led by former Democratic Senate leader Harry Reid in 2007. Establishment of the Task Force on UAP phenomena to "obtain detailed information" on the "nature and origins" of unidentified flying objects.
In fact, the Department of Defense had declassified three videos made by Navy pilots - one from November 2004 and two from January 2015 - showing mysterious objects crossing the frame at very high speed.
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by Anna Lisa Bonfranceschi
The videos had leaked years earlier, but Pentagon officials who confirmed their authenticity on April 27, 2020, and the unidentified subject declassified them to "resolve any misunderstandings from the public as to whether the images were real or not, or whether there was more to the videos. "
In other words, yes, the videos are not fake and as expected they do not frame American aircraft, not even top secret programs.
Which, as yesterday's report confirmed, does not mean they are taking back alien aircraft on a trip to Earth.
This consideration also applies to another Navy video, dating back to July 2019, in which an unknown spherical object flies over the sea near San Diego.
Obtained by a documentary director and shared with Nbc News, the footage appears to show the indecipherable device sinking after a few minutes' flight.
In reality, the attitude of the American Defense is anything but ambiguous: she authorizes the distribution of the films and she confirms their authenticity, that is, the fact that the shots are not artificial and to be attributed to a soldier.
The reason is also anything but mysterious: My impression that the US Department of Defense is tired of tolerating other powers watching over it and is looking for the most shrewd way to make it known, comments Paolo Attivissimo, one of the best-known debunkers in the sector and shareholder emeritus of Cicap, the Italian Committee for the Control of Claims on Pseudosciences.
In short, an all too earthly reason.
From a military point of view, the delicate situation: it would be a sign of weakness to admit, without being able to react, that drones of other powers are monitoring their own ships or violating a training airspace.
Taking them down would instead trigger a diplomatic incident.
This is why it has always been more convenient to make believe it was a UFO *, or at least not to deny those who were convinced of it.
From * Roswell onwards, there is a rich tradition in this regard.
Military incidents have often been covered up by suggesting that it was some extraterrestrial intrusion, in order to prevent further investigations from uncovering inconvenient activities or simply a secret operation.
by Anna Lisa Bonfranceschi
Yet, as confirmed by Obama on TV, the unidentified objects taken from the videos do not move with an easily explainable pattern.
True, so much so that the Congress was asked to clarify, commented Attivissimo.
But even before the report it would have made sense to be cautious and ask what evidence we had: up to this point all the videos released show phenomena that can be interpreted as impossible, but without being sure.
To avoid sensationalism and without even contemplating anomalies or malfunctions of the shooting tools, it would be enough to give the example of a gadfly flying a few centimeters from the camera while recording a video.
Reviewing it, we would see a point-like object crossing the frame at very high speed.
Without knowing its distance from the target, one could therefore assume that a thirty-meter aircraft one kilometer from the camera has plowed across the landscape at a physically impossible speed.
The reality would be quite different.
And the increase in chatter?
Is there a correlation, if only a statistical one, between sightings peaks and other cultural-social phenomena?
Given that the question should be asked to a sociologist, a reasonable correlation is assumed, obviously not a cause and effect relationship, between the moments of political uncertainty and national paranoia and the appearance of UFO sightings, replies the debunker *. the fear of the stranger, the stranger, the invader is projected onto something similar.
It is no coincidence that Western cinema of the 1950s is full of Martians, flying saucers and wars of the worlds.
What was * the invasion of the body snatchers if not the metaphor of the communist threat (complete with indoctrination, brainwashing *)?
Today I have the impression that on the one hand there may be a correlation between the collective feeling of insecurity and the need to vent it in a socially acceptable way.
On the other hand, I believe that the idea of the xtraterrestrials is saving or at least reassuring.
May someone watch over us and be ready to manifest themselves to avoid our ruin the technological translation of the myth of angels: the end of the world as such, collective redemption.
Today, in a less religious age, the extra-terrestrial can take on that role in the collective imagination.
* Having said that, considering how China is perceived as threatening and arrembante even beyond the atmosphere, I believe that any pretext is good to talk about space, lufology is welcome.
The substance, if we limited ourselves to the facts, is still scarce.
Great revelations require great proofs.
Evidence that, confirms the report on UAP and UFO, does not exist to date.
In spite of alien entities, once again it will be necessary to focus on reasons more human than human.

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