In this period, the end of the world and the alien invasion, which is now close, feel a lot and have led me to reflections that I would like to sharere.

My reasoning is sequential, there are various things related to each other in a subsequent way, each point can be incomplete because I am not very cultured in alien or worldly matters. I will try to insert as many links and images as possible in order to make you deepen and reassure you of my sincerity.

But let's start, let's go in order, first of all: where does the knowledge of aliens come from?
The only means to find out about aliens are: TV with "mystery", "voyager" programs, news programs etc ... newspapers and the Internet.

How reliable are these means?

Mentioning all the television programs is an impossible undertaking, I can only talk about the news, the "mystery" and "chasing a ufo" program on the "Focus" and "History Channel", which are the only ones I have seen, in particular the last two I have seen only a couple of episodes.
For example, on "mystery" they often show people with supernatural and magical abilities or even houses haunted by ghosts.
You should know that there are some scientific associations that offer a million dollars to anyone who can prove they have supernatural qualities, obviously under their control; photos or videos cannot be accepted due to the ease with which they can be falsified by anyone with a simple PC.

Well, this million dollars have not yet managed to donate it!

"Hunting for a UFO", I saw very few episodes but they have measurement methods that would make my high school physics teacher shiver and, if I managed to realize that in physics I had 3 who knows how many things I missed!

A small example: in one episode they were analyzing a video where these three red lights appeared in the sky. Analyzing it they saw that these three lights were always the same distance between them and therefore assumed that this UFO was a triangular object with the top of the lights.

At one point in the video a helicopter passes in front of the UFO and they saw that in proportion it was 50 times smaller than the spaceship.

So they said (with the measurements I go to memory) a helicopter is 3 meters high, then 3 times 50 is 150 then the spacecraft is 150 meters high (??????).

Aaaaaaaa ok! But then the man in the photo below is a few hundred meters tall! I thought that in an image the proportions would change if the objects are on different levels ... what a fool!

Notice how confidently and prophetically certain certain rubbish say! :D



I have never seen Voyager but I know that it does not have a great reputation and the news broadcasts inspire me with little confidence for many reasons. Already "news creeps" has unmasked them a lot of times but then did you know that in the world ranking of press freedom Italy is in the fortieth place? Under Chile and South Korea (complete ranking:

For me, such errors make the authority and credibility of certain transmissions waver, since they are not really errors at all. Some mistakes I managed to find, but not being a historian, a physicist, a biologist or any other useful professional figure, as they lied once others could do it, only that I would not be able to notice, therefore any program of this type is not it can no longer deserve any trust.

i don't have all the answers try google

Only the internet remains ... The most beautiful (but also ugly) thing about the internet is that everyone can write to us! So of course there is false news and everything must be taken with pliers but you can read so many sources that it is possible to get an idea that comes as close as possible to reality.

Most of the culture that a man can make about aliens through the internet can take place via text, images or videos.

However, no one can trust a written testimony therefore roughly the only evidence that can lead one to believe or not the existence of aliens are the videos or the images.

Since I know that there are ufologists in charge of examining the images and videos that are shot all over the world (even in Italy there are, I saw it in some episodes of "mystery") I thought that doing a search on google would have been easy to have an estimate of the percentage of bogus videos circulating on the net .... I was wrong I didn't find ANYTHING even doing searches with keywords.

And when even google knows nothing, especially about something so easily demonstrable and of which data surely somewhere exist, it makes me think a little.

Since this is an important fact for me, I started to make this estimate! I took 10 random pictures of ufo on the web to my detriment, that is, leaving out the definitely fake images like these:




To give me further disadvantage I tried various methods to test the authenticity of the photo, I wasn't smart by doing a single test and if it gave a negative result I marked it as false, I did some and in various ways and if they all gave results negative I marked it as false, but it is not enough, only those undoubtedly retouched I marked them as such, those on which I had doubts I put them as true.

For example:

the photo on the left is the original one, found on the web, the one on the right is the same photo but with a particular filter applied to unmask the photomontages, and you can see without a shadow of a doubt that a rectangular image has been applied on top of another.


The result of everything? Of ten random photos taken on the web, which I analyzed, eight were CERTAINLY fake and two were not and equally the videos will give a result that does not differ much from this.

Obviously, this is only an estimate, perhaps with other images (ideally) we could have a result where one hundred percent of the photos were reliable, but in the same way the opposite can be even more easily.

But since the images were taken in a completely random way, this estimate can be considered quite reliable, especially if we think that I set it more in favor than against UFOs, discarding the images that were certainly false and doing more tests for each photo.

If you don't believe me you can do this experiment too, even without being good with graphics programs, this article explains how to expose fakes in a few clicks:

All this to say what? Where do I want to go? In the common vision, to make a culture on aliens, without needing to tell you, everyone discards the option of taking the information you see in newspapers or on TV as cast gold, but it makes Google and YouTube much more reliable.

Well, my test wants to show that 80% of what you know about aliens is FALSE!

Everything you have read, that you have seen, which has led you to be more likely to believe in aliens rather than the other way round, with good odds (indeed excellent I would say since they are eight out of ten) are false!

Already this should bring everyone back to say: if before I was certain that aliens existed now I have doubt.

I am not saying that they certainly do not exist, I am only proving that IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO THINK that they certainly are present! Same goes for ghosts, fairies, goblins, gnomes, unicorns, big foot, santa claus and teletubbies

Moreover, the data is even more disconcerting if we see it from the point of view that 80% of what informs us about the existence of aliens is DEFINITELY a fake and the remaining 20% ​​COULD NOT be true.

I'm not a graphic designer, so there will be better people than me who would be able to find a fake even in that 20%, then there are even better people who would know how to make fakes without anyone noticing. So it is not fair to say that 80% of what we know is a fake, it would be better to say that what we know about aliens is a MORE than 80% fake.

So everything I have written so far about the existence of aliens is useless, it does not lead to anything, it is only a demonstration that can be summarized as follows: any information on aliens (and teletubbies) cannot be considered 100% reliable, l our only safe channel is our head (let's be well then!: D).

Having said that, we can make some hypotheses, some reasoning on various fields and various subjects.

There are hundreds of examples that could be given, but why are aliens always represented as little green men? Even in the photos !?

Why must the alien be a humanoid?

Let's try to think about it, without going too far, let's look at the creatures that populate the earth, there are thousands of them and they are all different! From ant to whale!

Each creature evolved differently to be able to adapt to the earth in the way it thought most congenial.

We also look at the earth as it is different, it has deserts, forests, woods, meadows, rocks and even different climates, altitudes, humidity that have brought a precise evolution to the animals that lived there.

If the sun, which is the smallest star and has ten planets, the conditions for making life develop have surely occurred on one. So on other bigger stars there could be more planets and therefore more chances that life could have developed.

But if on a small planet like earth there is so much biodiversity, who knows on a planet far from us several light years, that inhuman beasts could be there!

For example, chimpanzees are the animals that come closest to humans, with them we have 99% of DNA in common, so think what differences can only bring about 1% in DNA! So if the aliens are aesthetically more human-like than a monkey, this would mean that we have ancestors in common (always assuming that an alien has a DNA)!

It is also true that fantasy can justify everything! Writing a story came to my mind that I think could be very passionate for those who believe in these things: it could therefore be possible that already in ancient Egypt they built spaceships, which were rightly launched by the pyramids (tombs for the pharaohs? But for pleasure!) and they went to conquer the galaxy, and over time they evolved and acquired that typical greenish color and that big head, because to be smart you need a big brain (not a big brain cit: advertising of the wild boar brush) !

In short ... a little improbable let's say ... but I assure you that if you made a video, made as a documentary with pseudoscientific notions and professional shots, many would believe it!

Another thing that leaves me a little perplexed is that in thousands of years of human history no one has ever seen anything, then after the ufological incident in Roswell in 1947 now, every day, there is a sighting.

Besides, why should aliens care about coming to earth if they are so cool? Why do they have to be smarter than us, maybe they are single-celled organisms that can only eat and reproduce, and why should they have in mind to exterminate us all? Otherwise, besides being aesthetically similar to us, they would also have the same interests! It seems too much! :)

Yes, but crop circles? They are too complex to be made by humans! And then in one night!

Man is capable of even better things!

Without looking too much on the net you can find stories of ufologists who have found crop circles and believed that a man would never be able to make them!

After a few hours those responsible for these jokes confessed that it was they ...

There are even books that will teach you how to make them!

This book also describes the story of how these two 50-year-olds and their Friday night pranks gave birth to a real phenomenon and, as the techniques for making crop circles have evolved over the years.

Another fact that makes us think again of human ability rather than UFOs are the numbers of sightings!

In fact, 3 were spotted in 1980 and 700 in 1990, who knows how many today!

Strange isn't it? Years of history without any sighting, then two fifty-year-olds made a couple of them and now the aliens copy them!

In short, there would be dozens of examples to do but this short essay is becoming too long and in any case they would be useless, there will always be people in favor and people against, I can cite all the examples I know but I would leave out those I don't know ( obviously) it is therefore better to be able to reason individually on each episode and draw your own conclusion (thoughtfully and logically).

In any case, what's the use of finding out about aliens? So if they have decided to come here and exterminate us, everyone would probably be able to do it, if they have the technologies to make space travel of kilometers of light years, they certainly have the skills to blow us up.

So even if there was a way of knowing for sure that they will exterminate us, whether we know it or not we will die anyway, it would only be a matter of knowing what death we will die.

Letting go of all these UFO cinematic things also has another advantage, which is that probably, if nobody would care more, the phenomenon would disappear and our ears would no longer be forced to hear certain nonsense!

In fact, many people have enriched themselves a lot by writing books and making various documentaries, nobody cares to waste time for free to tell stories that 80% derive from the imagination!

Even the one who wrote Harry Potter paid for the book, why don't those who write UFOs do it? The difference is that if you break the Harry Potter book as a fantasy book and not as an information book, it sells much more (also because people do not think it would be able to target it as truth) instead if you break a UFO book as a fantasy book, it would sell a lot less than passing it off as a book / documentary.

I know that the stories of aliens are very interesting and exciting, but you have to have courage and admit to yourself that maybe it is not like that, everything suggests that what we know about aliens hardly corresponds with reality.

I am not saying with absolute certainty that they do not exist, and it is impossible to prove it, we should first be able to explore the whole universe, but perhaps it is not true that they are as they describe them, and that every day they visit the earth, I as a human being I don't have the presumption of being so interesting, enough to make a little green creature bother and force him on an intergalactic trip to come and see me or my fellow men (but not everyone thinks like me, see "big brother").

Many times, when inexplicable things happen, like strange lights in the sky or the like, there could be hundreds of explanations, much more plausible than UFOs, but who knows why at certain times and certain people see that as the only solution ... Think of the aurora borealis, is much more extraordinary visually than two blurred lights, luck that was discovered in 1600 and not in our days, otherwise conspiracy theories in this regard would have arisen in addition to scientific ones.

PS: I went to the site of Pablo Ayo, this character that we see every now and then in the "Mystery" program where he analyzes the videos and photos to expose the fakes, I sent him an email to know a piece of data he is definitely in possession of, or the percentage of fakes on the photos / videos it analyzes.

Two months have passed and I am still waiting for the answer ... I don't think he will answer, yet of his own free will he has put the possibility to contact him on his site.