A state with a population of 610 thousand inhabitants, including the little ones in Europe, but with the share of each car highest around the continent thousand inhabitants (about 650).

a figure that says a lot about the condition of mobility in Luxembourg.
The country to fight the pollution and discourage the usage of vehicles has decided to make public transport free.
The Government of the Grand Duchy of talks unimportante social measure which has the goal of transforming the state into a laboratory of the twenty-first century mobility, in the words of the Minister of Urban Mobility, Francois Bausch.
Cars per thousand inhabitants in Europabus, trams and trains are, therefore, free to both visitors and residents with an estimated saving of EUR 100 per year per household, as reported by the Guardian.
The exception is the first class train for, will have a reduced rate.
The working population of Luxembourg amounts to about 200 thousand people, but most of the commuters have found unoccupazione neighboring states: Belgium, France and Germany.
The daily scene the usual one of a congested, especially at peak corresponding to the movement to travel to or from work; this condition has a serious impact not only on mobility, but also sullinquinamento air.
Public transportation is never the first choice for the citizens of the Grand Duchy: only 32% of citizens use the bus and 19% train for their journeys, according to what he says lInsee (the institute National Statistics French).
A situation consolidated over time in part because of the poor state of transport networks: the trains are often late, countries close to the capital are poorly connected and Luxembourg-city has an actual operational tram line only since 2017, however, is missing of key links such as those from tHE AIRPORT center, one of the main hubs of the state.
Variable also not negligible cost of fuel, as emphasized by the BBC, most markedly low compared to other countries.
Peculiarities which urges commuters to prefer the car also because inexpensive.
The whole project, being always on the data collected by the BBC, will cost 41 million euro.
Paid by the taxpayers: Just because it's called free transport, does not mean that no one will pay, always Bausch explained.
Fall in the figure also 3.2 billion in investments until 2027 to upgrade the rail network.
The government also intends to promote also the transport with electric vehicles and car sharing: will be doubled the dedicated parking spaces and charging points and, in the highways, will be dedicated to a third right lane for car sharing.
Other improvements will affect the bike paths and bus routes, which will be upgrades.
If the measure will work the government would say the only time, but in the meantime should keep an eye on some of the factors that could complicate things.
In addition to the low cost of fuel and to a transport network that needs to be improved, there are other variables to consider.
The first related to the operating costs, which in Luxembourg are among the most beloved Europes, with a fee of 600 Euros per inhabitant.
Nellimmaginare a completely free transport for all, necessary to rethink the mode of management, acting on sectors that make the system so expensive; the second concerns the housing situation of many residents, who were forced to emigrate out of bounds to afford a home, while maintaining their work in the Grand Duchy.
Moderation in house prices would mean, in this sense, even improve mobility.
The advertising campaign launched by the government with lauspicio that citizens of Luxembourg begin to prefer public transport plays Jump up and take a ride with us.
He was presented with dance and music in all train and tram of the country.

From Wired