The acupuncture, according to traditional Chinese medicine, it acts because it brings in balance the flow of energy and blood flowing in the channels of the meridians of the body, whose "access gates" would be precisely the points that are stimulated with needles. This explanation can not be accepted by Western medicine, which nevertheless confirms some benefits of the practice.

So the pain goes away. Acupuncture, in fact, seems to be able to change the connections and the activity of certain brain areas related to pain. In addition, the needles stimulate the richest areas for vessels and nerves distinct from its neighbors, and this promotes the production of endorphins (our natural pain killers), relaxes the muscles and has a local anti-inflammatory effect.

The acupuncture seems short run for several forms of pain, from the musculo-skeletal to headaches, and is widely used in gynecology, for painful or irregular menstrual cycles and to control menopausal disorders. In experienced hands it does not involve substantial risks, provided it is not used to treat cancer or other serious diseases.

From Focus