Summary: Women, support research, are more empathetic and more analytical people, and there is some evidence to show that the brains of women will remain blocked by a distressing feeling while a male brain will seek a solution. But biology gender extremely discussed field: not all men are builders, and not all people with a uterus must be attuned to strength with nature.

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Ah, astrology!
Some like it, some hate it, others directly to a light in this dark world.
Here we have an article for the members of the second category.
If you are interested in astrology, also follow our column "This is not a horoscope" on Instagram and "Astro Roast" here at VICE.
In the last two or three years, astrology passed by a large niche interest hub of excitement for a lot of your contacts on Instagram.
In the UK, just as an example, Google searches for birth chart almost doubled between November 2013 and November 2018.
Since September 2017, also increasing the number of people doing research on astrological compatibility. All this interest has given a boost alleditoria, an increase in sales of books on mind, body and animama beyond.
Until recently it was mostly mental health to inspire meme, now those sullastrologia we find them in the timeline from all sides.
A sign that the conversations of signs and horoscopes are increasingly part of the lives of twenty-thirties.
Yet not everyone shares this enthusiasm, and among the main detractors of astrology as well as for consumption, there are mostly heterosexual males.
According to a Gallup poll of 2005 UK, British women who have recourse to astrology are about twice as often as men (30 percent versus 14 percent of a sample of 1,010 people).
A 2017 Pew Research Center study found that 20 percent of adult men in the United States believe in astrology; women are 37 percent.
So if you're a straight guy with a lot of female friends, chances are you tolerate astrology (We are at the point where I share meme on my mark in group chat although actually I could not care less, says Adam Manchester).
Otherwise, chances are you think are a bunch of crap (If a girl takes out astrology, there's a good chance that the judge him, says Tom, 25, from London).
Of course, there are women and LGBTQ + people who feel the same way, but because this attitude so widespread among heterosexual males in particular?
because the astrology generally seen as a women's interest?
A couple of the guys I talked to told me episodes related to their fathers, and like these, reading the horoscope in the newspaper, had branded all as crap that could apply to any person a fairly common view of the industry, to be true.
It was the first time that I noticed that something so ingrained in our culture was a lie, and he knocked me, says Sam, 27, Lincoln.
Most he admitted that he stay out of it because it strongly marked in the kind of destination.
Bob, 36, of Kent, said: Today horoscopes are close to the section on women or women's magazines such as Woman's Own and Take A Break.
It does not seem to remember that Esquire or Loaded pages they like, when I read them many moons ago. His opinion about astrology?
Waste of time.
A waste of energy.
A waste of paper.
like the lottery for lonely people.
Even Sam thinks that astrology has always been strongly associated field to women, and the subsequent response maschilelindifferenzatrovi precisely the explanation.
difficult to understand what I mean, but, for example, if the girls to school worship a certain book, the kids will think you can not please Him for fear of being called 'sissies' or whatever.
And that way the book becomes for girls, says.
The same can be said of horoscopes.
I think the attraction comes from a sense of curiosity and spirituality that was punched by the children when they are younger.
Charlotte Mei illustration.
Most anti-astrology guys with whom he spoke also told of conversations about astrology ruin-appointments or ex-girlfriends too obsessed with the cosmos.
Kevin, dallIrlanda, says his former used the chart to justify improper conduct or bad moods, while Paul, Essex, tells of a girl who had got caught by him because of an alleged compatibility, "but did not know all things that implied that I was difficult (they are) and that we were not meant to be together (we were not).
Adam, 26, of Oxford, so says another report: [The setting for astrology] had become a truly decisive stretch of the entire report, an obsession.
For some people stop just to be an interest and becomes a part of the personality.
And I did not go down.
This was also observed by those who work there nellastrologia.
Jessica Lanyadoo, Ghost Of A Podcast, tells me: I know many astrologers males, cisgender and heterosexual, but not as many males and heterosexual cisgender astrology enthusiasts. The astrologer Randon Rosenbohm agrees, saying for girls and gays.
Astrology a natural and intuitive way of telling the time, and women are more in tune with nature, continues Randon.
Men, however, manufacturers are working with the material world.
Unless you provide evidence to a straight man showing that the real astrology, unlikely to find even remotely interesting. In other words, Randon think that men are more likely to sdegnarla immediately, while women may want to first test the waters.
The women, support the research, they are more empathetic and more analytical people, and there is some evidence to show that the brains of women will remain blocked by a distressing feeling while a male brain will seek a solution.
But biology gender extremely discussed field: not all men are builders, and not all people with a uterus must be attuned to strength with nature.
Astrology does not save symbols that explore our weaknesses and feelings of weakness, such as pain, trauma, pain, rejection, prejudice, projection, self-sabotage, victimization, says the astrologer Danny Larkin.
And this goes against the tendency for heterosexual men are constantly encouraged to do the hard instead of open.
easier and more acceptable to note that women and queer people are often the latest wagon wheel in many situations, so it is easier for them to identify with these difficult issues that astrology probe.
Understanding your own personality and that of others, to try to predict the future: in the end, a desperate search control when we do not.
Perhaps many women and queer people are attracted to astrology because it offers a community and a refuge, something to hold onto in a time when religion took a back seat.
In a heterosexual patriarchy, the cisgender and heterosexual men are likely to have fewer things to which to seek shelter.
Personally, the vague interest that I always had for astrology is consolidated when I made my home and found lho theme scarily accurate.
As soon as the deadlines overlap and strike me with increasing levels of anxiety, and if I have taken care of me, I notice that control most of the apps and astrology podcasts.
But perhaps in other circumstances I would never have finished the rabbit hole.
It depends on where you start and who gets there.
I ask Joe if I can do the chart.
He says he's, so I go to Cafe Astrology and I share some of its characteristics: stubborn, stoic, loves the pleasure and the arts, could easily end up with a bruised ego if not heard.
He says the result precisoma enough to express any kind of joy to the astrological accuracy adequate repair would ask that you would never have granted.

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