A study recently published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior has investigated the correlation between sexual desire and satisfaction of torque, particularly sulloscillazione of male desire and female over time (McNulty et al., 2019).

Advertising message now known as sexual desire and lintesa in the bedroom are important for the success of a stable and lasting relationship.
In this regard, the authors have set themselves the goal of investigating a particular area of interest for long-term relationships: such as desire, over time, changes in men and women within an exclusive relationship (McNulty et al., 2019).
Lintesa and sexual behavior are distinctive characteristics of romantic relationships (Hazan & Zeifman, 1994) and because of their importance they have several critical implications for the welfare of the couple (Maxwell & McNulty, 2019; McNulty, 2016).
A study by McNulty and colleagues (2016) showed that sexual satisfaction is able to significantly predict changes in relational satisfaction; Individuals satisfied sexually, in fact, are more willing to stay long inside an exclusive monogamous relationship (Day et al., 2015).
Despite the importance of sexual satisfaction within the couple, quite rare that both partners maintain the same levels of desire over the years and shared that one of the partners have a greater desire than allaltro (eg.
Risch et al., 2003).
In long-term relationships, several studies have shown that the frequency of sex decreases dramatically as the years go (Ard, 1977; McNulty et al., 2016); there is some scientific evidence that seems to support lipotesi that women show a more pronounced decline in sexual desire than male partners (eg.
Arndt, 2009; Graham et al., 2017; Milhausen & Murray, 2012).
Advertising message In a study conducted by Byers and Lewis (1988), the authors found that 50% of people belonging to their sample at least once, is shown at odds with partners sullavere sexual intercourse; disagreements concerned especially women who refused a sexual act desired by their mate.
In addition, women seem to bring a lower overall level of sexual desire than men (eg.
Milhausen & Murray, 2012).
The present study is to investigate the aim place, inside a sample of 314 subjects (all involved in a stable relationship), if couples esperissero different rates of sexual desire than their partners.
They were taken in two additional variables considerations, namely the gestation and maternity, in relation to what influissero on female desire (McNulty et al., 2019).
The results showed that the sexual desire in women tended to decrease more rapidly over time with respect to the desire of their male counterparts; In fact, the men did not report a significant decrease in desire.
In addition, pregnancy and childbirth further decreased female desire (but not men), accentuating the already present differentiation between the sexes.
Finally, the decline of female sexual desire was able to significantly predict the decline of relational satisfaction of the couple (McNulty et al., 2019).
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Article Topic: Psychology
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