Summary: From an evolutionary point of view, simply considering lobbiettivo playback, essential for the preservation of the species, would therefore be more risky for a boy to lose the occasion to mate with an interested female, rather than linverso (Trivers, 1972): lesito a pregnancy which does not follow the formation of a pair, would mean that all the weight of parental care, particularly severe in the human species, falls on the female, increasing the risk for the survival of the mother and offspring.

Full Text: The literature shows that there is an objective discrepancy between the sexes in determining the level of attraction proved to be a potential partner: women seem to underestimate the interest of potential sexual partners, while in man there would be a tendency to overestimate that of females.
Advertising message In humans the choice of a partner (sexual or otherwise) is based on a mutual selection between two individuals, as opposed to many other animal species for which this choice is usually made by the female based on fitness genetics of male specimens and witnessed by physical characteristics or skills useful to the survival of the individual who, by extension, would ensure that the couple and their progeny.
From an evolutionary point of view, simply considering lobbiettivo of reproduction, which is essential for the preservation of the species, would therefore be more risky for a male lose occasion to mate with an affected female, rather than linverso (Trivers, 1972): lesito of a pregnancy to which does not follow the formation of a pair, it would mean that all the weight of parental care, particularly severe in the human species, falls on the female, increasing the risk for the survival of the mother and offspring.
For this reason it has been postulated that there is a different pressure in men and women on the selection of partners that have hampered it in the course of evolution has developed different uninclinazione in perceiving sexual the interest shown by the other party: lError-management theory (Haselton & Buss, 2000) suggests that it evolved a bias, or a cognitive divergent distortion in both sexes, to promote the mistake that is less expensive to the individual, that lead women to underestimate sexual the interest of potential partners, while in man there would have the opposite tendency to overestimate that of females.
Objective The existence of a discrepancy between the sexes in determining the attraction degree proved to be a potential partner has been widely documented in the literature (Abbey, 1982; Farris et al., 2008; Fletcher et al., 2014; Perilloux et al., 2012 ); However, as the theoretical framework dellError Management seem to adequately explain the results obtained in studies, researchers are warning about the possibility that there are other factors that can act as mediators in explaining individual differences detected.
Lemay and Wolf (2016) for example, it has found that individuals who perceive themselves more attractive as they also have a tendency to overestimate sex of a potential partner the interest and found that men tend on average to have a perception of s themselves as more attractive than women (Feingold & Mazzella, 1998; Hayes et al., 1999).
has also been shown that there is a correlation between sexual linteresse that a test individual to another person and the perception that he will have sexual dellinteresse proved against him, a phenomenon that was interpreted as a kind of projection of his own interests over others: reverse lipotesi or that lessere appreciated by someone from becoming a greater sexual interest in this person, was excluded for lack of reverse causality (Lemay & Wolf, 2016).
Finally, the orientation sociosexual, or the propensity to a oriented mating strategy in the short term rather than The suction to a bond stable torque over time, appears to modify the opening to the possibility of occasional sexual encounters: the men would show a greater propensity of women towards a coupling on the short-term strategy (Gangestad & Simpson, 2000) and unapertura more towards casual sexual encounters (Penke & Asendorpf, 2008); Moreover, Howell and colleagues (2012) found as a short-term goal is associated in both sexes to an overestimation sexual dellinteresse from potential suitors, although others have experienced this effect only in men (Perilloux et al., 2012) .
Advertising message A team of Australian researchers (Lee et al., 2020) conducted research to determine how accurately people were able to assess sexual linteresse by a potential partner, also investigating the role of potential moderators such as perception of their attractiveness, their sexual interest and the orientation sociosexual in explaining the gender differences to find in the literature.
The 1226 participants first completed the Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (revised SOI; Penke & Asendorpf, 2008) to investigate the propensity toward casual sex, later they were asked to judge their own attractiveness, considering lavvenenza of their face, their body, the pleasantness of one's personality and ultimately giving a total overall score of attractiveness.
The procedure involved and that each person should come to a Speeddating the three-minute session, after which they were required to state their level of interest in the person just met, as well as the degree of interest perceived by the potential partner.
Statistical analyzes revealed that in general the subjects are proved accurate enough to determine the attraction felt by a potential suitor (trackingaccuracy) and that none of the personality traits analyzed (sex, age, sociosexual guidance and judgment on their attractiveness) would be associated with better performance in this regard.
The data also seemed to confirm the general tendency (mean-level bias) in men to overestimate the interest of sexual partners; However, when the model is also considered sexual the interest expressed by the subject and the various moderators found how gender differences annullassero, being explained by individual differences nellorientamento sociosexual and the perception of attractiveness: more oriented subjects toward casual sex and those who considered themselves more attractive, regardless of gender, had a greater tendency to perceive sexual attraction to their revolt.
Finally, it was a significant effect dellinteresse tried by the subject against the potential partner, supporting the idea that individuals' vision of their interest on the party, only to overestimate real linteresse.
The authors interpret the results not as a result of an evolved bias to favor a distinct daccoppiamento strategy in both sexes, as suggested dallError Management Theory, bens as the result of a general trend Human dellessere to extend their mental states to others, such as already demonstrated in the case of the false-consensus bias or nellassumed-similarity bias (for review see Marks & Miller, 1987).

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