the popular Yale course on happiness, which became free, explains from the very first minutes, thanks to Dr. Laurie Santos, that having a good job, earning a lot of money, finding an alleged life partner, having a body that reflects certain standards of beauty and sensuality, do not make you happy people.

We want to fall in love but we are inherently terrified of the commitment and sacrifices of an exclusive romantic relationship. We live in the era of fake positivity, immersed in a culture of optimism at all costs, which would always want us smiling.

happiness depends 50 percent on genetic factors, 10 percent on life circumstances and 40 percent on actions, habits, intentions. only on this 40% that we can do something, therefore, if you want to be happy you have to crash; happiness first of all making a pact with yourself, then striving to respect it.

The course is divided into 10 weeks:

Week 1 - Take note of your strengths and measure your level of happiness with the PERMA test (acronym for Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment).

Week 2 - Practice gratitude every night before bed: Write down five good things that happened to you during the day.

Week 3 - Try to be sweet, kind and well disposed towards mankind. Talk to a stranger.

Week 4 - seven hours of sleep and half an hour of exercise a day for a minimum of three times a week.

Week 5 - Rediscover what makes you feel really good, considering that the fulfillment does not come from the appreciation of others, but from the individual perception of performance. When we recognize that we have given our best, balancing skills and abilities, then we will be satisfied. The task is to meditate and write a letter of thanks to ourselves.

Week 6 - time to change cognitive style. To do this, you have to stay in the present. Here an effort of maximum concentration is required, because the human mind has a tendency to wander. Our brain programmed to perceive the present and anticipate the future.

Week 7 - WOOP. Grab a pen and paper, identify a wish (Wish), set an objective (Outcome), identify potential obstacles (Obstacle), make an action plan (Plan) contemplating an If-Then strategy

Week 8 - Pick a Sponsor, Like Alcoholics Anonymous: Sharing your plan for happiness with someone will help you stay focused on research.

Week 9 - Take stock of the situation, to understand if there could be situations that can help you in carrying out the task. Create an environment conducive to the routine of taking well.

Week 10 - After the various adjustments, you should see that something has changed. Take the week 1 test again and check your happiness level.

Then start all over again.

From Vice