God exists? For people of faith the question does not arise really, but for science? Can the "science," as we understand it today, investigating this area - and get an answer? The issue is not new, and it is no coincidence that over the centuries philosophers and thinkers of every creed and party spilled rivers of printing should have to tell ... just their thoughts.

What we propose here is only a small fragment of this endless discussion of how (and on SE) science and scientists (who taken one by one can be a believer or not) can get to a hypothesis about the existence or non-shared -Existence of God.

Physics: pure science. Recently the idea that science is able to give an answer to the question has gathered pace, aided, perhaps, the discovery of the Higgs boson, the so-called God particle ( "known bad" because it is journalistic expression decidedly unwelcome scientists), which tends to demonstrate the existence of the Higgs field (in fact), which permeates the entire universe and with which all the particles interact and, in doing so, they acquire their mass. Beyond the physical, it is an intriguing discovery that distant and somehow justifies the name, God particle, avoided like the plague by scientists but not by "men", always looking for something that transcends them.

How far science can go in proving the existence or non-existence of God?

human invention. The question could perhaps be solved by logic, but the so-called proof queen no one has found it yet.

The science and the search for God
Every minute in the world at least 100 people die every year they go 55.3 million earthlings, mostly for stroke, and ischemia. Until 2011 they lived on Earth, and thus were dead, 108 billion people: the living would then "only" 6.8% of all mankind. See also: what is dying?

An example. Emily Thomas (philosopher, University of Durham, UK) wrote a few months ago that the vastness of Space is the clear demonstration that "God does not exist: the universe has more than 13 billion years, the Earth about four billion years old and humans have evolved about 200,000 years ago ... the equivalent of a blink of an eye compared to the time of the Universe. "Yet the god of religion is always" anthropocentric ", she focused on living things. "How can we explain it? The simple answer is that God does not exist. "

It can therefore, scientifically, to be certain that God is a human construction?

Beliefs and religions. For believers of the existence of God needs no evidence or justification is an act of faith, and its existence is recognized in creation. In addition divine being, it is revealed only to those who are prepared to welcome him. Again, reflect some scientists, some consideration of historical character can (maybe) help.

We now know with certainty since men began to wonder about the mysteries, spirits and gods. Findings from the Paleolithic (the first period of prehistory: corresponds to the Pleistocene, ie from 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago) suggest that our distant relatives worshiped various entities. It is believed that the idea of "great gods" - that singular beings can punish or reward, especially in the afterlife - began to emerge precisely 2.5 million years ago, with the aim to explain, but also to strengthen , unite, and so scare.

The idea of a premium, a "paradise," it helps people to be more cooperative and communities to thrive. However, historicizing the birth of religions is not enough to prove that God is a human invention.

The science and the search for God
Before the invention of the stethoscope, the prematurely burial was a common problem, as appears from bequests left by many in the second half of the seventeenth century: he demanded that the corpse was kept under observation for three days. In the Europe of the nineteenth century there were still "hospitals for the dead" where nurses controlled bodies waiting for signs of putrefaction. | Shutterstock

The afterlife and miracles. Similarly, it does not confirm the opposite view who claims to have had experience of near-death and have known for a few seconds an afterlife of light and serenity. In spite of what they tell novels and movies, this condition at the boundaries of death is being investigated by science because enact a death is often more complex than you think, and studies contemplate the use of hallucinogenic substances - which seems to induce similar experiences were clinical-death. Novels and movies they play a lot, but the truth is that none of this research has never dreamed of investigating a hypothetical afterlife, or to answer the big question with which we started.

No scientist has ever even been able to confirm a miracle: Historically, most of what was being called the "miracle" was eventually explained in the light of new knowledge (and what still has not explained could be in the future).

And then? So no, we are just at the starting point. You are going to see that we also have to agree with Friedrich Nietzsche, who wrote a century ago: "In fact between religion and true science there are no kin, nor friendship nor enmity: simply living on different planets."

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