How many secrets hatched in right now?

And torture you are not so much the lies to be built to hide, because the applicant thought of these "unspoken."
These are the conclusions of a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, among the first to focus not so much on the effort of keeping secrets in the social sphere - with its apology castles - because the strain of the return to them with the mind , at times when we are alone.
Spill the beans.
Researchers at Columbia Business School analyzed 13,000 secrets confessed to about two thousand volunteers in a dozen previous studies, to understand on what you usually mint and why have something unspeakable is often seen as an exhausting experience, associated with depression , anxiety and physical exhaustion.
In all, 38 were investigated possible types of secrets, marital infidelity with financial problems, sexual orientation to having lied about a hobby or violating other people's trust.
The average person has a 47% chance of having a secret which would violate the trust of someone; more than 60% chance of having one that concerns a lie or a financial impropriety; and 33% have a not said that relates to a theft, an affair or a job dissatisfaction.
The volunteers were asked how often and in what occasions to come back with the mind to those secrets and in what moments should take active steps to hide them.
Surprisingly, the participants confessed that they find hardest to manage their own secrets when they are alone with ourselves, when should cover them with others.
The mental fatigue of the unspoken is namely not so much due to the apology to be built to get an alibi, as to the fact that the mind, just may, returns to fray on "nasty", regardless of its nature.
Called to rethink its secrets, the volunteers have responded as if they were physically oppressed by a weight, although at that time they had not actively work to hide them.
Previous studies had shown the same group as those who judge was hiding something higher climbs and longer roads to travel.
The research reveals a new way of thinking about secrets and their consequences on health: to make them less heavy to bear, it seems to understand, it is better to think about how to accept them, even before worrying about how to hide them to others.

From Focus