The house is uglier and more clutter of how you remembered I left it.

Rediscover the obvious notion that when no one speaks it's quiet, and it was a bit 'that will not ritrovavate in that condition for more than half an hour.
You have to fill an evening, alone, and begin to make their way thoughts infinitesimally that has long not you listened.
If this feeling takes you very often, not only in cases objectively bleak as the return from vacation, and if the question "feel alone" you tend to reply in the affirmative, you are not the aliens that you are not enjoying their age, but transforming common youth-who like many of their peers, sometimes accuse loneliness.
To confirm it is a Demos survey last December, which reveals that nearly four out of ten Italians in the age group between 25 and 34 years feel lonely.
Specifically, on a sample of 1330 people, 38 percent of them say they feel "very or fairly" just-a higher percentage than any other age group, and confirms an even more widespread trend in other countries d 'Europe.
If at first glance what the survey may seem a counterintuitive result-the rest are older people to be more often associated with the concept of loneliness in our society-the first thing that Lo Iacono says to me is that it is actually quite logical.
"You, the people from the age of 25, a particular age group: in this period young people are on the path limit of studio-ended or are ending-and have an employment problem," he says .
The placement problem continues, not only the realm of employment, but also the purely existential.
The one mentioned by Lo Iacono should be a familiar feeling to any person between 25 and 34 years.
It is the age at which, generally, try to barcamenarti between relationships and work, or lack thereof.
In either case, you feel deeply as you feel far from an adult human being should be, and at the same time conscious of the fact that ten years ago you looked at people who had the age that you have today and the adult you considered as a piece.
If then a certain sense of insecurity is quite natural, to turn it into loneliness, and make us a generation that is different from past ones, is precisely that banality that thirty is the new twenty-and the conditions that today necessarily that age leads.
"If we go back in time and make a comparison with other periods, at age 21 my father worked and had a daughter.
"Now, on the contrary, there is this difficulty to mature, not because the young are big babies, as someone called them, but for pragmatic situation that there is in Europe and especially in Italy," he continues.
If Lo Iacono absolves the young only in part, and in many cases identifies a certain dose of laziness and negligence causes of excessive and prolonged attachment that these-especially boys-develop with the family nest, has no doubt that whether it is an unhealthy attachment.
"It's a rabid attachment: young people are angry because we can not do alone," he says.
"They develop a form of aggression and envy towards parents who instead have already found their definition, their place."
But what is the connection between the economic precariousness and the feeling of loneliness that young people say they feel?
You first need to understand what is meant by the expression "feeling lonely."
There are different definitions of loneliness, but basically it is simply the absence of companionship.
A concept, therefore, it has no negative sense and that it is indeed considered, to a certain extent, healthy.
Another thing is the feeling alone.
For Lo Iacono, feeling alone is purely a matter of identity, and coincides with not knowing who you are.
But if one does not know who he is, there's nothing we can contain it is a matter of being, not to have, "he says.
"Knowing how to be alone without feeling lonely, is a kind of test to see how you are with themselves: in the words of Leopardi 'if you're alone and you're good you're fine, if you're alone and you're hurt you badly'."
In the case of absence of its own identity, it explains Lo Iacono, there she struggles to find a way and you look outside.
"Dig generates suffering, and question the meaning that you're giving to their existence is a long and tiring.
While distracted, there clings to anything, marries whatever goes to represent a temporary model that exemptions from this research. "
Whatever type ... internet !, say commentators from television lounge.
And it is obvious that the internet intervene in any way in this solitude, since it is a fundamental part of the day for every person between 25 and 34 years.
The Internet, he explains Lo Iacono, acts negatively in two cases.
The first is when you use it, as well as models that we hear, as a diversion to a search for oneself.
The second is when you fall into the illusion of being able to live in real time every situation.
"The perception of living 10 thousand lives leads us to an illusion of omnipotence that creates a lot of confusion, a discrepancy between what we want to be and what we are which means that, when things do not go as we want, we go into crisis," He concludes.
That being the case, Internet or no Internet, the only antidote to loneliness seems to be the same loneliness.
If it is too strenuous, you can always try to follow the advice WikiHow.

From Vice