Not only in life but also if you're one of the two (or more rarely three) candidates in the race for the White House.

The German newspaper Handelsblatt has indeed drawn a curious comparison between the ability to attract donations and final outcome of the US presidential race since 1960.
The numbers say that those who managed to convince the citizens and election committees around the country to pay their own money (almost) always won the elections.
That almost goes in fact applied to the cases of 1960 - when, however, between Richard Nixon and John F. Kennedy collection ended in favor of the first but almost in balance, about $ 10 million - in 1964, when Lyndon Johnson raised less than Republican Barry Goldwater (8.9 vs 15.9) but won by a huge margin, to 61.1%, in the wake of the assassination of JFK, and 1976, when Jimmy Carter he made it slightly, to 50.1% against 48% of Gerald Ford, despite having collected a few million dollars less in the course of the campaign, 33.4 against 35.7.
In addition to the funds paid by citizens, associations and committees there are also loans, the money invested by the candidates in person and other types of fundraising.
Coming to some eras' most recent, in 2012 Barack Obama picked 736.5 million against 482 of Mormon Mitt Romney.
A little less than they had scraped together the street four years ago, beating John McCain not only to vote but also in the portfolio with a profit of about 759.8 million against 239.6.
But as it progresses the current challenge, which is between - from last week officially given the investiture of their respective party congresses - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump?
According to the latest monthly report submitted to the Federal Electoral Commission, the Federal Election Commission which oversees the funding of racing to vote USA, dated 22 June, the dem candidate moves around 274.5 million dollars.
Although the report Hadelsblatt already assigns 374 million.
The Donald, despite his personal wealth - which as mentioned is not covered in this review - follow trailing by a lot, around 91.2 million dollars.
Until a few weeks before the coronation many other candidates were in front of the mogul: even Ted Cruz with more than $ 92 million.
Ben Carson had collected 64.2 and 35.4 Jeb Bush.
Sign of the enormous fragmentation of the Republican side.
No less profound polarization of donations to the democratic camp, where Bernie Sanders declared for the month of June, well $ 235 million.
For Clinton the largest share of deposits comes from individual donors (231 million) followed by local committees and national (1.3 million).
Of the 91 which raised, however, about fifty Trump had metterceli his own pocket since appearing in "contributions / loans from the candidate."
From the citizens are only 40 arrived.

From Wired