Each new day is marked by a shower.

What for many is a refreshing routine, though, from a scientific point of view also has many negative aspects.
Regular alteration of sebum tends to dry out our skin and makes it a wonderful home for bacteria of all types.
Who rubs with emphasis, then, get exactly the opposite of what you would like.
"The body is already by nature, a well-oiled machine," explains Brandon C. Mitchell, a dermatologist at George Washington University.
According to him, in fact, most of the people "wash excessively".
The cooling effect from the bacterial point of view, the daily shower has no effect.
Even specifically antibacterial products are no more effective than soap.
Many of these products, among other things, contain a component harmful to both health and the environment, Triclosan.
This chemical agent not only has antibacterial and anti-odor, but can also cause contact allergies and antibiotic resistance.
The cleaning involves therefore also dirt.
Pseudoscientific concepts such as' "bad breath" and "body odor" were introduced with the development of the cosmetics industry, who wanted to sell its products to the dirty humanity, writes Gizmodo.
Even the daily shower is the result of effective operation of bubble bath industry marketing, soaps and shampoos.
Even water is not told me to do so well Photo: Imago
The massacre of bacteria Those who want to cool off with the morning shower or rightly wants to take off the smell of sweat after sports, must carefully wash the armpits, ass and back.
"The rest of the body should not be washed so often," says Mitchell.
Once or twice a week are enough, otherwise it changes the natural balance of the skin, and also eliminates the bacteria that support the immune system.
This frequency is particularly recommended for dry skins, which tend to form small holes in the skin where they may nest germs.
The wet body should not be rubbed, but only dried gently from the drops to prevent irritation.
Although they are not really welcome, epidermal cell death that tend to remain on the clothes are not reason enough to make an immediate peeling.
These small cells that detach also protect the skin from chemical agents that could damage it.
An aggressive product, as we have said, may contain toxic agents.
Best to avoid.
The hot water, which almost all use, rather weakens the epidermis sebum.
Not only washes away daily stress, but also these important moisturizing agents.
trivial problems such as rosacea or eczema could improve by reducing the frequency of the showers and the amount of chemicals used for washing.
The issue of odors If so far you have not had luck with the search for a partner, may also depend dall'ammorbidente or deodorant you use, because mask body odors.
Who becomes less showers, basically, tows more.
The smell is of fundamental importance in the search of sexual partners, and can even lead to the end of a relationship, as shown by this study.
A good olfactory perception of oneself is always recommended.
In case of bad smells, just turn the area with a good soap, as natural as possible.
An experiment reported on reddit should reduce your anxiety of smell: a family, who found herself completely soap-free for six months and was only washed with water, discovered the positive effects of abstinence from chemicals.
At the end of the experiment, in fact, their body odors were totally neutralized, the acne problems were improved and the smells coming from the backside "significantly reduced."
The hair dilemma Then there are also the hair, which have a completely different role in cleaning.
"People who have skin and dry hair just a wash every two weeks," says Mitchell.
Those who suffer from dandruff or should brush your hair frequently for other reasons, it should do so no more than twice a week.
"That is sufficient," he adds.
For those wishing to fully review their habits when it comes to personal hygiene, there is always the story of David Whitlock, the chemical that does not enter into the shower for 12 years and claiming to be a lot happier since.

From Vice