Empty Template

Loading time

This chart shows the loading time of pre-installed templates for joomla and empty template. As you can see, on average empty template is loaded in half the time compared to most of the template.


The lightness of empty template is also given by the lightness of the template, in fact, as you can see weighs just over 100kb, (consider that the tests were done, leaving libraries js joomla, including mootols and, arriving at around 98, 4kb)


The number of requests is reduced to the maximum to enhance performance. The content within the site with which they were made tests, were taken from the examples of Jommla, inserted in the installation phase.

Classic template


Empty template can be displayed in two ways, the mode "classic", and mode liquid in subsequent images we will see how the layout will be shown at different screen resolutions.




Liquid template


The next pictures show how empty template is displayed at different resolutions, but this time set with liquid css.
The difference with previous images is immediately evident! Now the template will expand / adapt to the different measures.



In this period where access to the internet via tablets and smartphones are growing rapidly you could not think about optimizing the layout for mobile devices. Below the pictures would be shown as a site with and without optimization for mobile devices.

Template unoptimized

Empty template

Maximum speed: The minimum response times make empty template one of the fastest layout
Liquid Css: The layout adapts to any screen size and even on mobile devices.
Cross Browser: Empty template works on any browser, even older.
Cross Resolution: In classic mode or liquid empty template works on all monitors.
Optimizing for mobile: With the new ownership of HTML5 and CSS 3 you can apply different style sheets for different resolutions.
Ibrid: Empty is completely white, without style, designed for those who want to create a custom template without knowing how to integrate it on joomla.

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